Feeling confused, overwhelmed, or just stuck while learning improvisation? This FREE masterclass will simplify things and give you exactly what you need!

If you want to be able to play creative, well thought-out, and melodic solos (without the overwhelming complexity that's often found online), this masterclass might very well be the best thing you ever watch to improve your playing.

I want to help you as much as possible, so I'll be sending more great free resources right to your inbox. You'll have to confirm your address to get the free masterclass.

Want to play interesting and exciting solos without wasting time memorizing licks? Watch this FREE masterclass!

If you want to be able to play creative, well thought-out, and melodic solos, this masterclass might very well be the best thing you ever watch to improve your playing.

In this masterclass you'll learn how to:


  • Apply the simple process to ANY song you want in any style

  • Instantly improvise better and avoiding "skating" over the chord changes

  • Create your own melodic phrases without the use of complicated "licks"

Here's what people are saying about the masterclass:

I have been watching the free masterclass. Awesome! That is by far the best approach to mastering improvising that I've come across in the four years that I've been playing saxophone. Thanks a lot!

- Jan K.

Your video is such a game changer for me!!!!!!!!!!!! You opened my eyes and allowed me to get over the plateau I was on! At least mentally, I have a clear idea now of what to do in the practice room to improve my solos!

- Bastien B.

I just want to thank you for your free masterclass. All I can say is I’ve been learning sax for 3 years now and was totally blind until this video. My dream is to have the courage to play in a jam session and now I’m definitely a step closer. 

 - Colin D.

Have you ever thought...


"I know the chord tones but can't keep up with the chord changes in real time..."


"I know lots of scales but can't incorporate them into my solo in a melodic way..."


"I've practiced licks and patterns but they sound too contrived when I use them in a solo..."


Well don't you worry! I’ve used my many years of experience teaching and performing to bring you a clear and concise masterclass on how to craft a melodic solo just like your heroes.

Wow! That is the best explanation of voice leading and your 6 step process is great.
I’ve been playing simple jazz tunes skating across the changes in tunes that are in one key by playing in the key and using modes as appropriate but not consciously voice leading so the melodic connection/ transition was based purely on my ear which works sometimes better than others. I found it hard to play over sound with multiple key changes such as All the things you are.  This lesson opened wide my approach and while I’m still learning your process I can grasp the potential. I’m excited to have a way to access these songs and to understand how to construct my own lines better. Thank so much.  This was really one of the best master classes I have ever taken! I feel like the next level of playing just opened before me.

- John M.

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